
Waa unug la kora ilmaha uurka ku jira makaanka dhaxdiisa marka ay haweeneydu uur leedahay. Nafaqadu waxa ay inta hooyada ay kasoo gudubto ilmaha ugu gudubtaa madheerta, wixii ilmaha kasoo baxayana waxa uu soo dhax martaa iyada oo uu hooyada kusoo gaadhaa. Madheerku iyo ilmuhu waxay ku xidhiidhsan yihiin xudunta. Madheertu waxay kasoo baxdaa jidhka haweeneyda, 10 ilaa 30 daqiiqo kadib umusha.


Organ which grows alongside the foetus in the uterus when a woman is pregnant. Nutrients are transported from the mother to the foetus through the placenta, and the foetus's waste products are returned to the mother. The placenta and the foetus are connected to each other via the umbilical cord. The placenta leaves the mother's body 10 to 30 minutes after delivery.